A nice day out in Cambridge

Dad and Ailse in Cambridge
Well I had a pretty busy day at work on Saturday – in from 6.30am in the morning, and then that was me until 3.30pm. And unfortunately, even though it was going to be hectic enough seeing as it was the first in the series, certain things made it even more difficult. Never mind! That’s the first one out the way and now I’ll get into the run of it!

My sister Ailse was down from St. Andrews for the weekend – on Saturday night we went out for dinner and then off to see the film Red Eye, which was actually pretty good. I didn’t know it was a Wes Craven film. While it was very easy to watch with a simple plot, it was still a good wee movie – and I was glad I didn’t have to think too hard about it after the day I’d had!

On Sunday we went to Cambridge for the day – I hadn’t been there since I was about seven or something, but it was a nice day out – it was a lot nicer than I remembered, and we went to a cool baked potato place for lunch.

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