A week of new appliances and getting to grip with Final Cut Express


I think this might be the most exciting post I ever write! I have been busy this week getting to grips with new household appliances. I got a new washing machine / tumble dryer delivered on Wednesday after successfully managing to disconnect the old one without entirely flooding my flat. It seems extremely complicated (as all washing machines seem to be) so I am trying to figure it out. It’s nice having a tumble dryer, but I’m not looking forward to the higher electricity bills. And also that can’t be great for the environment. I am looking forward to having washing which smells of Bounce though as my Mum uses that in Dallas when I’m there, and I like it!

I also got this beast of a printer which is absolutely fantastic. Basically my old printer had a serial connection which meant I couldn’t use it with my Mac. Now however, I can print to it wirelessly (using my Airport Express) AND it’s a scanner as well, AND it prints directly onto CDs and DVDs which is totally class (obviously I’m just copying DVDs for my own use). Anyway, it’s a Canon PIXMA MP600, and if you’re looking for a new printer, I’d highly recommend it. I found the best deal was here.

I’ve also spent this week getting to grips with Final Cut Express, as I edit together a home video as a favour for my Dad, who filmed lots on a trip to Australia a while ago. I hadn’t used FCE before, but it seems pretty full-featured to me, and I’m used to using AVID software at work. Livetype, which comes with FCE is brilliant for titling, and I haven’t even looked at Soundtrack yet.

Other than that, I have been pretty quiet. I’ve started on a new series at work, which is quite good because it’s a series I came up with myself that I was lucky to get commissioned. It’s a big interactive type thing, but it won’t be on air until the end of this year at the latest. The nice thing about producing is that you get to make the series look and feel how you want (within the budget obviously) but it will be a bit lonely as the rest of the team that I’ll eventually have won’t be coming on board until July. I’ll tell you more about it when I can!

In an aside, can I say I was really pi**ed off that Tara won Comic Relief does Fame Academy. Sean deserved to win! Also, I know I should have split this into seperate posts, but I simply couldn’t be bothered.

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