Amazon selling MP3 chart albums for three quid

Ok so I’m a bit behind with this because it happened last week, but Amazon have started selling music downloads – at a discount to iTunes. At the moment, as what I can only presume is a loss-leader to get people to try the service, they’re offering some brand new albums for only 3 – including ones by Kings of Leon, Take That, Girls Aloud, andSnow Patrol(although Miley is6.49 annoyingly as I’m a bit tempted.)

I might try it to give it a go – I’m tempted because there’s no DRM restrictions on the music, so I can use it how I want, it will play nicely with my iPhone and iPod, and Amazon’s software (a small plug-in type thing) apparently makes it a cinch to copy into iTunes. Normal (i.e. not discounted) albums seem to cost 6.49 compared to iTunes 7.99.

Find the Amazon MP3 store here.

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