Happy Ewe Year!

Sorry for the dreadful pun, but I spent New Year there down in the country! Near Keady in Armagh, Northern Ireland with my mate Majella and her family. Very nice it was too!

Hogmany (that’s what we call New Year’s Eve in Scotland) was spent down getting to know Keady pubs a bit better! Unfortunately I wasn’t feeling even slightly tipsy when the bells went (we didn’t get out until 10pm) so I wasn’t running round trying to kiss as many girls as possible as I usually do! Still, it was a good night and I didn’t get home until about 5am, so that’s got to be good!

Next day was very nice and chilled – we had a great big lunch which was absolutely delicious and then sat and watch The Lost Boys. I haven’t seen that film since I was wee, and I couldn’t really remember that much of it, so that was cool.

After that, back to Belfast, and a flight to London the next day – I’m back there now for a while, the Bungalow’s up and running again – first show (one of mine) this weekend, so busy this week!

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