Hollister coming to Belfast


Well it had to happen sooner or later, but I’m really surprised to see Hollister arriving so quickly in Belfast. I’d assumed being across the water from the mainland that it would take longer, but lo and behold, a Hollister hoarding has been erected on the lower level of Victoria Square in Belfast.

The store will apparently be 8200 sq foot, but no word on when it will be opening yet.

I’m a bit sad to be honest, it’s like when McDonald’s first appeared in Scotland (in Dundee, my home town), it took the specialness away from it. However my sister (fashion assistant at Tatler) has kindly agreed to start looking into new and upcoming brands that I can go checking out. Cheers sis! And it will help avoid the whole 20 shipping fee their website charges for shipping (from the US as there’s no from the UK shipping option).

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