I am back!

SF taxi two.JPG copy

Yes indeedy. I’m sure you haven’t missed me but I am back after spending two weeks in the USofA. I had about one week in Dallas and then one week in Palo Alto, California. It was great! I was pretty busy all the time though, so I didn’t get a chance to post here.

One of the reasons I was busy was that my Mum has bought a Mac for the house in Dallas. She also needed set up withGMail,whilst the wireless connection in the house was all screwed up. So I was a couple of days sorting all that out.

I’m going to do a couple of wee posts about interesting things I saw on my trip, but otherwise, I would say the highlights ofmy two weeks were:

  • discovering Dance Dance Revolution and playing it for an hour and a half solid. I can’t believe I have never played it before, it is brilliant. And I sweated loads.

Four Seasons Palo Alto pool3

Einsteins breakfast

  • Buying stuff (clothes, only one CD, a Grimace bobble head and some cooking stuff from Williams-Sonoma)
  • a day trip to San Francisco with mad Ailse
  • getting a shower in the BA lounge at Gatwick and then getting a bit squiffy on free wine in the lounge at Raleigh Durham before my flight to Dallas
  • and of course seeing the family

I’ve put some of the photosfrom la vacance on Flickr.

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