Hello blog readers! I was lucky enough to have two friends over to stay this weekend past. I used to work with Rob on Dick & Dom, and then went to see him and his wife while they were living in Chicago, so they came across to see me in Belfast!
We went a bit crazy on the Saturday night in White’s – it was the usual carnage, but unusually ended up with photographs being taken of me (which I can’t remember) in dodgy positions, although fully clothed I might add.
The next morning, we left my flat, and unfortunately I was so hungover, I left my keys in the flat as I pulled the door shut. So I had to splash out 80 on a locksmith coming round and spending approximately 20 seconds sliding a piece of plastic down my door to get me in
So Sunday was spent doing that while Rob and his Mrs were at the cinema, although we all went out for a nice meal in the evening. I also beat Rob at Scene It which was great – after he rubbed it in my face continuously when he beat me in Chicago. Take that Robster!