Japan trip, day 8 – trains, trains and more trains

After a kinda restless sleep I was up at 6.30 on Wednesday morning to catch an 8.20 bus back to Yudanaka station, to catch a 45 minute train to Nagano, to catch a 3 hour train to Nagoya, to catch a 1 hour train to Osaka to pick up my suitcase before catching another train to Kyoto, where I was due to spend the next four days.

The train journeys were pretty uneventful, and I will admit to downloading the new Miley Cyrus album which I quite like. Quit hatin’!

I picked up a sushi lunch at Isetan in Nagoya, and got back on the shinkansen towards Osaka. Had a quick coffee stop off at Namba Parks, a big shopping mall beside Namba station, picked up my bag and got my next train.

I finally arrived at my accommodation in Kyoto at about 7.30pm. Twelve hours travelling! I’ve got to say though the place I’m staying is really nice, it’s a bit more out of the way than my base in Osaka. It’s a good 15 minute walk to get any place, and apart from a 7-11 and a McDonald’s literally two metres away, there doesn’t seem to be much around.

I didn’t feel like going to bed early so headed off to the main shopping street to check out one of my favourite Japanese stores, LOFT. I didn’t make any purchases but spotted a couple of things I may go back and get later.

After walking around for a good while, I made my way back to McDonald’s, had a Big Mac meal and headed to bed. Not an action packed day by any means – more of a day of shifting bases and catching trains!

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