So, first night out in ages on Saturday night – for my mate Jill’s birthday. She was having a joint party with two guys down at AM:PM on Arthur Street – it was the first time I’d actually been to that one, and I quite liked it.
The party kicked off at about 9.30pm, and carried on well until the wee hours of the morning (and then on some more at one of the host’s houses). I was a bit peeved with two of my mates who failed to go with me (you know who you are!) but thankfully I was entertained all night by Jill’s lady friends. That’s Jill on the right in the pic above. She had big hair!
I ended up getting in at 4.45am – which is not too bad I think given my recent track history! Best of all I didn’t have a hangover the next day (despite Fiona convincing me to do a shot). Jill’s birthday is on Wednesday this week, but Happy Birthday for then anyway!