A night at the IFTAs!


So on Saturday night, I was at the Irish Film & Television Awardsin Dublin – that’s me, the crew and presenters in the picture above. Unfortunately I didn’t win an award (that’s a fake one in my hands), we were there putting together a show for BBC Northern Ireland.

It was quite a fun night really, and we met and got to have a chat with a couple of famous people. Brendan Gleeson was really nice, as was Shane Richie. He was actually very very funny, and made time to speak to us because we were from the BBC. The person I was most excited about meeting was Aiden Gillen from The Wire (he plays Mayor Carcetti in that). He was a bit nervous during his interview, but apologised afterwards, saying he’s not very good at doing stuff like ‘that’.

Afterwards, it was straight round to the edit suite for me where I left our tapes to be digitised over night. I was back in the edit at 11am on Sunday morning, and left there at 2am on Monday morning. Then it was back in at 8am that morning, to finish the programme off, which we managed to do at 3.30pm. Then, it was straight round toRT (the Irish BBC equivalent) where the programme was sent to the BBC in Belfast at 5pm. Two hours later, it was broadcast on TV.

To be honest, I was absolutely exhausted after all this! I think I must have got about 3 hours sleep on Saturday and Sunday night, and we never left the edit suite whilst we were putting the programme together.

Anyways, it’s nice to be back home now! If you want to watch the programme, you can find it here on the iPlayer until Monday 23rd February. And yes, I did partake in drinks after the award ceremony which was probably not a very good idea given the hectic schedule that was coming my way. Still, it’s got to be done! Only had a couple of glasses of wine!

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