My last day in TVC (and London)

Well today’s my last day in London, and my last day working at Television Centre. I’ve decided to head back to Belfast (after a week in Dallas for some r&r) where the first thing I’ll be doing is producing coverage of the Royal Balmoral Show (some agricultural type thing). There are more exciting things lined up for me there, but I’m keeping quiet on them at the moment!

I am really hoping to come back to CBBC at some point in the future, or London anyway, but in the short term there are some things I’ll miss and some I won’t….

Things I’ll miss….

1. All the Bungalow people

2. The lovely Reebok gym

3. Ham and cheese paninis from EAT

4. Just working at Television Centre (seeing famous people all the time, and just soaking up the atmosphere)

5. Boozy nights in the BBC bar

Things I won’t miss

1. Rude people in London not saying thank you when you hold a door open

2. Commuting for two hours every day

3. Not getting home until 10pm

I kind of feel I’m starting yet another new chapter in my life – here’s hoping it goes well…… at the moment I just feel sad.

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