Well, I’ve been up to quite a bit since I last posted. Two weeks ago, CBBC had a big party at the CC club in London. It was always going to go a bit pear shaped, seeing as it was free drink all night – and I had about five glasses of champagne to start off when I got in.
The night ended with me clutching a McDonald’s and trying to get a cab back to Canary Wharf – I then ate my freezing Big Tasty meal in bed. Classy or what ? I got into work the next morning only to have everyone tell me how funny I was and what “great fun” I was after I apparently decided to get everyone in a circle and dance in the middle of it 🙁
After that, it was a trip back to Belfast last weekend, and another night in the Soap Bar, with Christine, Jill and G. Photos (although not many for once!) are here, including one of me trying to pretend I’d run a marathon (actually me wrapped in a sheet of tinfoil G found at a 24 hour garage).
My landlord has done a survey on my flat in Belfast as he’s probably going to sell it which is a bit of a pain. So if that goes ahead, I’ll probably need to take a week off to find another flat.
This weekend, I’ve got a wedding in Dundee – one of my old mates Lyndsey from my McD’s days, so I’m looking forward to that, and then nothing planned after that, although I might take a trip up to Glasgow to see Majella.
Apart from that, just working away – settled into life on Xchange now, and just counting the weeks until I’m off on hols / back on Dick & Dom. And I’m totally skint this month after receiving an American Express bill of £3000 (that’ll be my new computer then)!