So on Monday, we arrived in Austin, Texas for South by Southwest 2008 – it’s the biggest music industry gathering in the world, with over 1700 bands attending and playing showcases during the week. We’re staying at a hotel a bit out of the centre, which is slightly annoying, as it’s a 10 minute taxi ride to get into town. Also, the pool at the hotel is closed which totally totally sucks as I seem to have finally got rid of my tonsilitis and can get back into my swimming routine!
Anyway, Tuesday, it was just myself and the cameraman out here, so we spent the day registering, picking up our press passes and camera passes, and walking about finding locations where we’ll be filming bands’ performances, and also getting some GVs (or general views). The place definitely has a great buzz about it at the moment.
At night we went out for a couple of beers and watched our first band (a local band) who were pretty rubbish but in an intriguing way. They performed a song called “Love Sweat” which I think is one of the best titles for a song ever. It includes the line “I’m gonna make your love sweat”. Crazy!
The bar we were in had a photo booth called “Dirty photo booth” but unfortunately I haven’t got anyone in there. Yet!
I also met a local on the night (above) who seemed to be having a pretty hard time. I gave him some money, and he got down on his knees and sang me a song – but he had an amazing voice. It was quite a surreal moment.
Anyway, that was my first day at South by Southwest – nothing too exciting! I’ll post about what we got up to yesterday later if I get a chance.