It’s a cake replica of Belfast club The Potthouse!
I was back in Belfast at the weekend there as I’m trying to keep my Silver status with Star Alliance so have to get loads of flights back before the end of the year.
Friday night it was off to The Potthouse for their 1st birthday bash. It was a bit quieter than usual (partly because it was invitation only I reckon and also partly because George Best’s funeral was the next morning). Still, it was a good night and the usual drunken photos are here! I also managed to bump into a girl I totally fancy from the gym in Belfast, so it was nice to see she is still around! Unfortunately though she has a boyfriend
Saturday was spent getting my hair cut, and then on Saturday night G and I headed off to Apartment. For about 2 minutes! First off it was totally mobbed, secondly Callum Best was there. To be honest, I thought it was a bit weird he was out on the town the day he’d buried his Dad, but I guess it had probably been a tough day for him. One thing was sure though – girls in the place looked like they were going to have a fit everytime he walked past. Long queues + Callum Best(girls only thinking of him)= time to move!
G and I headed off to The Fly then, but just had a quiet night in there by staying on the ground floor and chilling!
Sunday, was a day of doing nothing – Christmas shopping (I managed to buy my Christmas cards before getting totally fed up and heading home), then Monday, back to London and back to work!