Cool winter hats for drinks!

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We’ve got a Waitrose near us at Canary Wharf, so I pop in there now and then to get top-up shopping (big shops I get from Sainsbury’s online). An innocent drink like the one above really stood out when I was walking past the chiller cabinets (and I wanted to be healthy as I’ve just been at the gym).

Obviously what made the drink stand out is the little wooly hat its got on. It’s to signify that until Christmas when you buy an innocent drink from Waitrose or EAT (a chain of cafes in London) they will give 50p to Age Concern and Extra Care. I think that seems really generous from a company, so I like that, but also I thought the hats were pretty neat and clever. I’ve kept mine! Don’t know what I’ll do with it though….

You can find out more about what innocent are doing here.

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