A weekend in Scotland

Scotland! Home of the haggis. All year round – Burns night or not! I had my first trip to Scotland this year two weekends ago. I agreed to go and help the family move my sister Ailse out of her student flat in St. Andrews, as she’s moving to new accomodation at the start of her next term.

Getting back to Scotland for a wee weekend was great. Helping Ailse move wasn’t too stressful either actually. Considering the amount of absolute rubbish she had decided to take with her rather than chucking out. Think pink nets, a million pairs of shoes, an inflatable whale, etc. etc.

And it also meant I was back in the family home in Monifieth for the first time in what seemed like ages (but was actually just since Christmas).


Although I didn’t make it out on the lash while I was back, it was nice to catch up with the family, as I don’t really see them that often. We had a nice meal in The Grillhouse in St. Andrews, although a magician did annoy us a bit at the table. His tricks were not too bad though, so I’ll let him off. Overall my trip to Scotland just made me wish (yet again) that I was back living there. Although in Glasgow or somewhere, don’t really fancy Monifieth.

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