Flying trip to London

Jamie  Lee  Helen and Julia

I had a very quick trip to London this week! It was strange being back in Television Centre, but good at the same time! I managed to pack quite a bit in.

In the morning I had a Children In Need debrief where we talked about how last year’s show had gone, and plans for this year’s. Then I scooted off into London to meet my Dad for a coffee then went clothes shopping.

Sam  TJ and Me

After that it was time to meet some former Bungalow colleagues for drinks! That’s Jamie (with his eyes creepily half closed), Lee, Helen and Julia in the top pic, and Sam, TJ and me in the bottom one.

It was great to catch up with them and all the CBBC gossip. But I was a bit knackered seeing as I’d been up since 4.15 in the morning, so it was quite a tame night!

The next morning, it was back out to Heathrow – from Canary Wharf where my Dad lives, it took 2 hours to drive there which was a bit stressful, ‘cos I thought I was going to miss my flight. It actually took us an hour and a half to drive three miles! That’s something I don’t miss about London…..

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