Glasgowbury festival

Taking a bit of a break from getting Northern Exposure ready for TX every week, I joined me old mucker Feargal and the ATL / ATL TV crew (I’m not producing this series) for a trip down to the Glasgowbury festival near Draperstown on Saturday.

Glasgowbury is a small, growing festival – their slogan is “small but massive”. It was quite a good day really – although a long one. The weather stayed dry, which meant their was no mud about for the punters, and we had plenty of breaks between filming to chill out and relax and enjoy some of the bands.

I was just filming on DV on stage, but unfortunately was filming the drummer for each of the bands which will be included in an ATL TV special going out on Thursday 14th August on BBC Two NI. I say unfortunately because I have learned that it is very cramped around a drummer on stage, which a) meant I had to crouch down for long periods of time and b) meant I couldn’t move for long periods of time, which became a bit boring after a while looking at a tiny viewfinder!

Music wise, Glasgowbury is all about local bands. Of the bands I saw my favourites were Oppenheimer (who incidentally provided the theme music for my current series) and General Fiasco. Mark my words, you will be hearing more about GF soon I think!

Ash were also playing, and treated the audience to some of their newer material. Not as catchy as their old stuff if you ask me!

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