Health update

So it’s been nearly nine months since I had an anaphylactic shock after eating lunch out one day. In May I finally got called back to the hospital to see the allergy consultant give me my test results back. Seeing as I’d had tuna the day it happened, I had presumed it was that which had caused the shock, so I’d been tested for allergies to all kinds of fish.

The results were completely clear for any kind of fish allergies, so at last I’m back eating it. Chicken, beef and pork really does get boring after a while. So that’s great – however I still have to carry my epipen around with me as I am allergic to something, and the next time I have a shock it could be worse apparently. It’s a bit of a pain having to remember to take it with me everywhere.

To celebrate the return of fish to my life, a couple of us headed out to a Japanese restaurant on Botanic called Sakura Sushi. G and I demolished the boat of sushi above and had more. It was great!

The other health problem I’ve had this year (and I never have health troubles!) has been my tonsilitis. It started in March and I still have it. My doctor has tried me on five different courses of anti-biotics, a thrush treatment (yes men can get it) and tested me for (amongst other things), glandular fever, diabetes, viruses, hepatitis and even HIV. Thankfully all those came back clear. My tonsils are still swollen though – and it’s leaving me just feeling drained. So I’m off to an ear, nose and throat consultant on Friday. Hopefully after that I’ll get diagnosed and start feeling normal again.

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