I *heart* Tegan + Sara

Tegan   Sara

I got to meet one of my favourite bands this week. Tegan and Sara are two identical twins from Canada, and I have a couple of their albums. They were gigging in Belfast this week, and we were doing an interview with them for ATL TV, so I sheepishly turned up and had a quick chat with them. They were both really nice and very funny too – it was their first time in Ireland, but they said they’d really enjoyed it, and had already had a trip that day in our very own verison of the London Eye. I also got them to sign one of my CDs for me 🙂

Tegan   Sara

Unfortunately I couldn’t make it along to their gig, which I’m a bit annoyed about now, but it was nice to meet them anyway. Check out their website here and also the CBC Radio 3 site which got me into them in the first place (via Grant Lawrence’s podcast). Very nice ladies! If you live in the UK, you can catch their interview by searching for ATL TV on the iPlayer – it’ll be up there between 3rd and 10th of March.

In other music news, this track is getting a lot of repeat play on my iPhone at the moment….

And this just might be the best album of the year so far.

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