Last day in da Bungalow

Well it’s my last day in da Bungalow today – I’m off on leave for two weeks after that – spending a week in Belfast which I’m looking forward to, and will hopefully get to The Fly – haven’t been there in ages ! Also looking forward to getting back to the gym as well whilst I’m there !

I’ve had a really good time working for CBBC – had my last show at the weekend there – photos are here. Anyway, I’ve enjoyed it so much I’ve decided to stay on in London for another year. I’m gonna miss everyone in Belfast but I can still go back twice a month and get my flights paid, and also I’m hoping to save loads of money whilst I’m in London by staying with my Pa.

Still don’t know what I’m gonna do when I get back yet – but hopefully it will involve getting a bit more studio directing experience.

Anyway, that’s all for just now – I’ll make sure I post a bit more frequently when I’m away on my hols !

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