My birthday

G and Feargal

Well, I’m another year older! (And apologies for the lack of posts recently – I’m about to make up for that!)

So it was back to Belfast for my birthday. I had a night out with a couple of people on the Friday night when we went to Bar Bacca, and then Irene & Nan’s. Then on Saturday night, Maj came up to Belfast, and we went to The Fly with G. I really do love The Fly, but it was a big let-down that night – full of really scummy looking people and very unattractive girls unfortunately. So no birthday snogs for me.

I got some great presents for my birthday from everybody. From my sister Jill I got Columbo Season 2 on DVD – anyone that knows me well will know I flippin’ love Columbo! So that’s cool. From the folks I got a great gadget to let me watch Freeview on my Mac. That meant the other day I was able to watch EastEnders on my video iPod on the way into work. Sweet! I also got some Premium Bonds – not very exciting but I think it’s a cool idea. And I’m going to get a financial advisor, again not very exciting, but definitely something I need.

From Ailse I got some Marc Jacobs stuff, and I got clothes and a kettle from mates. If you’ve been round my flat you’ll know I’ve never had a kettle before – I don’t drink tea, and wouldn’t drink coffee at home. But it wasn’t very good if I had people round. All sorted now though thanks to Maj! So, come round, and have a tea or coffee (I’ll have to start buying milk now though).

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