Out filming

RoryWell I’ve had a busy old week out filming. Today we were filming in Portaferry again, at a dog display, and there was the nicest dog there doing it’s shopping – there’s a photo of Rory there – he’s a black lab. I love dogs anyway, so you can imagine I was chuffed to be filming with so many dogs running around (no smart comments there please !)

Monday night we were filming the girl we were featuring in the Teen Idol competition. There are photos here – one of them with me and Christine, the presenter – quite a good one thanks !

CrewSo here’s a photo of everyone out filming today – Bryan the soundman, Karen, the programme’s Broadcast Assistant, Gary the cameraman and Terry the lighting supremo ! Guys, if you’d filled in those CV forms, I would have linked to them ! We had a really nice day cos it was so sunny, and if you’re ever over here, make sure you get to Portaferry !

Tomorrow night Gary, Bryan and I are staying over, and I think there might be some drink taken, so I’ll let you know how that goes !

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