Post 501: My weekend – ‘roll’ over Jamie etc.


As you can probably tell from the picture above, my weekend was not too exciting. I watched the final of Big Brother, which sucked because the twins didn’t win it.

Saturday was spent chilling out, Sunday I went food shopping, and then I came home and made some rolls. They were totally easy and took me about 15 minutes of work. Hopefully they will last the week for my lunches, but they were nice and tasty! And yes, that is them in the picture above.

In more interesting news, I also bought a Nintendo Wii. I stayed up until 2.30am this morning playing it, so am a bit tired at work today. I bought WarioWare Smooth Moves today and Trauma Center Second Opinion. I really like it so far, and think I’ll use it a lot more than my PS2. I’m not a serious gamer at all, but I do like a bit of fun now and then, and the Wii seems to be perfect for that. Now all I need is a version of Singstar for it!

If anyone knows of any other good games I should be buying, let me know in the comments box! Failing that, feel free to be sarcastic about my weekend down there too.

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