South by Southwest – day 5!

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Ok, Saturday – day 5 at South by Southwest! Again, more editing in the hotel room, and then at night, I went to meet up with the guys. They’d spent the day at a pool and BBQ party in the country which made me insanely jealous, but apparently there weren’t that many good looking girls there in bikinis, so maybe I didn’t miss that much.

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At night, we were filming a great band from Northern Ireland called Oppenheimer, as they played the Time Out NY / Virgin Megastores showcase at Emo’s. That was quite a big showcase for them to scoop. They’re already on tour supporting They Might Be Giants, so are doing pretty well Stateside. So we filmed their set, and did a quick interview with them afterwards. They are really cool guys, and very down to earth – I’d met them before when we filmed a session with them for ATL TV back in Belfast (which you can see here).

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After we said goodbye to Oppenheimer (who had to jump in a car for a 20 hour drive to L.A.!) we met up with my mate Leah from Belfast and her boyfriend Gary, who was over doing some audio work for BBC Radio 2 / 6 Music. We had a bit of a drink in the Hilton, which is apparently where lots of deals are done during South by Southwest, but I didn’t see anyone famous there. I was completely knackered by this point, so after an hour wait and a walk up to 8th street, I managed to get a taxi back to the hotel.

Emo’s definitely gave us the coolest stamp of the week though – as below – I didn’t want to wash it off ‘cos I though it was pretty cool.

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