South by Southwest – day 4!

Me and Feargal

Well I have fallen waaaay behind with this sorry. Obviously I’m writing this after I got back to Belfast, but it’s just been manic since I got back, and I’m just in the middle of my first lot of days off in three weeks (unless you count one day off in Austin). Anyways, I’m now up to Friday in my South by Southwest adventures. To be honest, Friday was pretty quiet for me. Yet again I was stuck in the hotel room editing away like a madman, while the other guys like Feargal (above) were out doing filming at a Northern Irish music party.

6th street at Night

In the evening though I got to head out and meet up with the guys, as we were filming at a Music from Ireland showcase at the Soho Lounge on 6th street. We were meant to be filming two bands, Channel One and Fight Like Apes, but in the end we only filmed one, as there were a production team from the US set up there with a four camera Z1 set-up, so we just did a deal to get their footage. We had a hard time finding a FLA song for use in the show which didn’t feature the C or F words in a 45" clip.

Anyways, we had to hang around until 1.45am to get the last bit of footage, so in the meantime, Jim, Feargal and I went next door to the Mekong River and had a satisfactory vietnamese meal. Annoyingly I had to skip any fish as I still haven’t heard back on my allergy tests.

I think I maybe got a bit tipsy for once in the trip that night – don’t think I was too bad, but I was beginning to get pretty knackered by now. I do remember approaching a girl in the Soho Lounge and getting blanked while her ugly mate started chatting. I made my excuses and left.

I have a video below which stars Feargal and shows you how manic 6th Street was on the Friday night. It doesn’t look that busy, but believe me it was pretty crazy out there!

P.S. See how many girls you can count in that video below. I make 2 – which was typical. Hardly any women!

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