The Motorcycle Diaries


After being out on Thursday night and getting a bit hammered, I stayed in this weekend, and watched The Motorcycle Diaries (not that that took all weekend). It basically tells the story of two guys from Argentina who decide to travel round Latin America on an old motorbike. What makes it interesting is that one of the guys went on to become ‘Che’ Guevara.

I didn’t think the film was brilliant, but I thought it was a great story, and it was pretty inspiring. You got to see how the trip affected Che and made him go onto become the person he did. For example, Che and his friend Alberto went to help at a leper colony, and were the only people there not to wear gloves when shaking hands with the patients. It was little things like that which showed what great people they were.

It made me want to find out more about what happened to Che afterwards, so I might do a bit more reading on that. It also made me feel a bit like I should be going out and doing something similar. Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis!

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