Twilight Vs. Slumdog Millionaire


I’ve been to the cinema a couple of times recently – firstly I went to see Twilight – a teen movie all about Vampires. I haven’t read any of the books so wasn’t sure what to expect, but I thought it was a brilliant film. I saw it in London, and even though the cinema price was a rip off, I felt like it was the first time in ages I’d actually seen a movie which was worth the entrance fee. If you haven’t seen it I think it’s still showing so go and see it now!


The other film I’ve seen recently is Slumdog Millionaire. It’s been getting rave reviews everywhere and is up for plenty of Oscars, so I had pretty high hopes for it. And I did like it, but what annoyed me slightly was the whole Who Wants To Be A Millionaire thread which runs all throughout the film. I guess it’s kind of necessary but I thought it ruined the flow of the story in places, and it just generally got my back up.

The cynic in me (who does not appear very often!) also noted that one of the funders of the film was the company that makes WWTBAM, and one of the Exec Producers of the film is a guy that is heavily involved with the TV show. I began to think that maybe the whole film is just one big ad for the TV show, and to get people watching it again.

Saying that, if you haven’t seen it I would still recommend it, but if you could only see one I would say go and see Twilight instead!

I REALLY want to go and see My Bloody Valentine 3-D now – guts and gore and 3D! What a combo.

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