Two clubs in one night!

Christine Jill and Paul

So after working on ATL (see below) I headed up to the green room for some R&R and then went off to Skibunny at Auntie Annie’s with a couple of people from the show, and two of the judges – Son of Dork’s (and ex-Busted) James Bourne, and MTV’s Emma Griffiths. Didn’t speak to James, but Emma was really nice. And very attractive 😉 

After that it was off to celebrate Jill’s birthday – I met up with everyone at Shu, where they’d had dinner, before heading down to the Potthouse (that old favourite) and getting a bit tipsy. Then it was off to bed! I actually really enjoyed Skibunny – never been there before and a nice change from the type of club I would normally go too. Don’t think I’d be able to persuade any of my mates to go there though!

That’s Christine, Paul and Jill in the photo above – there’s some more photos from the night here.

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