Two great movies I can’t wait for this summer

Superman Returns

The first one, pictured above is Superman Returns. One of my mates in America has already seen it, as has my sister. She said it wasn’t that good, but it’s about a man that can fly! How can it not be good! I can remember when I was wee and walking to school on a windy day, I always thought I could just leap up in the air and fly… though I never tried it ‘cos I didn’t want to find out that I couldn’t. Anyway, I can’t wait to see Superman Returns when it opens here in a week or so. You can check out a couple of trailers here. Movie number two I can’t wait for…

Miami Vice

…is Miami Vice. I am really excited about this one – even though it’s got Colin Farrel in it, who annoys me for some unknown reason. I really loved the look and style of the original tv series, and the film has the same great director (Michael Mann), so hopefully it’ll look great too – the trailer does anyway. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it has that unique Jan Hammer created soundtrack that the tv series had. I’m hoping to see this at the apparently amazing new cinema that’s just opened in Dallas when I’m there next month.

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