Two movies in one weekend

Whilst in London, I struck a deal with my little sis. I would go and see the movie of her choice on the Friday night if we saw a movie of my choice on the Sunday night. So that explains why on Friday I found myself watching the latest Zac Efron film, 17 Again.


It’s a bit like a male version of Freaky Friday. Middle aged man finds out one day that he has become 17 again, and at school with his son and daughter. Actually, I quite enjoyed it, yeah there were a couple of cheesy moments, but if you fancy going to see a relatively entertaining film that you don’t have to think about, it’s probably a good choice.

Lots of Zac fans were in the cinema, but what was weird was four people sitting beside me were eating Chinese food in the cinema. 1. How did they manage to get it in, and 2. How come it didn’t smell? No idea.


The Sunday film (my choice) was Let the Right One In. It’s a film I’ve wanted to see for ages, and it didn’t disappoint. It’s about two Swedish kids in the 70s, one of whom is a vampire. It’s very different from your normal vampire movie – there’s not much blood and gore, and the film also concentrates on the relationship between the young boy and girl.

It was a bit long to be honest, and the cinematography wasn’t as stunning as I’d expect given the bleak Swedish setting, but I would watch it again, and will probably buy the DVD. Once the version with the proper subtitles has been released (it’s been causing a bit of a storm Stateside).

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