What’s up at work

Well it’s been a while since I’ve blogged about what’s been going on at work (apart from someone vomiting in the office), and it’s because I’m beavering away on a new series which hasn’t been announced yet, so I can’t really talk about it.

Pre-production of a series is always pretty boring and slow – it’s like all the stuff you have to do before the fun starts.

So I’ve been briefing Marketing and the Press Office, getting a web site for the series built, and briefing a design agency here to come up with an identity for the programme. As well as sorting out budgets, staffing etc.

Unfortunately last week, we hit some editorial policy issues with the name I’d come up with for the series, so I have to head into work tomorrow and spend the whole day trying to come up with a new name. Not easy when the previous one has been around for months. Grrrrr…..

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