A family wedding

Bride and Groom

Well I’m back! I spent a long weekend there at my sister’s wedding in St. Andrews. First up we had the stag night on the Thursday night – we started off at the Jigger Inn, then headed into town, where we went to the Westport and then the Ginhouse. It was good fun, but St. Andrews was a bit quiet because most of the students have left for the summer (i.e. there were no good looking ones left).

Friday night was a rehearsal dinner at the Old Course Hotel (that’s an American tradition – it’s basically a dinner!) and then Saturday was the wedding itself at the St Andrews Bay. It was really good fun – stress free family wise (which I didn’t expect!) and I’ve got lots of bruises from the typically intense Scottish Country Dancing! That’s my sister Jill, and her new husband, Tobey in the picture above.

I also managed on Sunday night to catch up with some mates in Dundee – we started off at the Social, and then headed to Fat Sams which has grown into a place three times the size since I was last there! It was a good night.

Overall then, I had a great time – although I’m still a bit knackered after having four fairly large nights out in a row! I’ve put my pics from the wedding up on Flickr, but they’re private, so if you know me, it’s just a case of signing up and asking me to add you as a friend. That’s if you want to see me in a kilt! (If you can’t work Flickr out, drop me a line through the contact me page here and I’ll send you an invite).

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