A gorgeous girl I saw in a magazine

Hot tattoo girl

I don’t usually fancy girls with tattoos. I prefer my ladies ‘au naturel’. I don’t mean naked by that. Although obviously there’s nothing wrong with them naked, in fact… erm… well you know what I mean.

Anyway, this photo was in a magazine here in Dallas, one of those free listings / out and about magazines. Apparently these ladies were at the Elm Street Tattoo place (in Dallas) Xmas party and the one on the right is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I really fancy her.

I don’t really know why I’m writing about this. I just thought it was weird because I don’t usually like tattoos on a lady, but she is very good looking. Maybe she will read this and get in touch. Then again, she will probably never read this. Erm.. just in case you are in this picture and you are reading this, feel free to get in touch.

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