A sleepy week in Belfast

Soap_bar Well got back to Belfast on Tuesday and was absolutely knackered with jet lag. The first couple of days I didn’t go to bed until 4am in the morning (10pm Dallas time) and then kept waking up at 1pm (i.e. a respectable 7am in Dallas), which was annoying and kinda restricted the amount of stuff I got done !

Flight back was ok and managed to get a bit of sleep, although I was in coach this time as no upgrades to business were available ! Still, managed to sample American’s new meal on the way back – Lasagna ! Which I love, but which was very disappointing. It was basically a rolled up sheet of pasta in a beefy gravy. Not lasagne at all ! Cheats ! Did see The Incredibles on the way back as well, which I hadn’t seen before. Brilliant !

So on to Belfast – had a quiet week really, went swimming, tidied up my flat, got a lot sorted out on my new Powerbook, and also went out on the town a couple of times. Met a producer and some other colleagues for lunch in Ginger one day – it’s highly recommended. A really nice restaurant which is a bit out of the way, but Jill and I reckon it would be great for a date (although obviously not together). Couldn’t find a site for it, but it’s in Little Victoria Street. I also had another nice meal with Majella and her sister in Cafe Renoir in Botanic. The food was nice, but the service was a bit hit and miss – the smell of Jayes Fluid from a nearby mop bucket overpowered the food !

Saturday night was the big night out – my friend David came up from Dublin, and we met up with G, Jill, and some of her friends for a night in the Soap Bar, which is the VIP bit of the Pott House. I keep calling it the Sugar Room for some reason. Anyway, good night out, no luck with the ladies, although we did see Julian Simmonds ! He really gets on my nerves, big flouncy woman that he is. Anyway, after that, got back to London on Sunday afternoon and was in bed for 8.30 ! Fast asleep ! Oh the excitement…..

You can check out the photos from our Saturday night out here.

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