A touristy weekend !

Maj_and_christine_on_the_eyeWow! What a busy weekend I had this weekend. Maj came down from Glasgow, Christine from Belfast, and we had a kind of touristy weekend, but it was really nice. Maj arrived on Saturday afternoon, and after collecting her from Heathrow, we went into town, and went to Hamburger Union for lunch. It’s a gourmet fast food place, and to be honest, I wasn’t that impressed with it on Saturday. They got my order wrong, and I’m not sure that £10 a head for a burger, chips and a drink can be justified unless they’re truly special !

After that it was off to Top Shop and some other shops on Oxford Street, where Maj got some stuff. I got a new t-shirt and hooded top from Urban Outfitters, and a bag for my Powerbook from the Apple Store. And by the way, I really have to say I think I am getting addicted to my Apple. Love it ! Anyway – I really enjoyed actually being in the centre of town at the weekend – I usually just stay around Canary Wharf at the weekend but will need to go into the centre more often. I’ll just have to go easy on splashing cash !

In the evening, we went out to a restaurant in Covent Garden before going to some weird touristy bar called Roadhouse. It was like an 80s bar from a film like Cocktail or something. Full of bizarre looking people – half of whom looked like they had just stepped off a plane from Germany. Mullets galore ! We got a bit tipsy anyway, then went home and played Singstar. Which was annoying because Christine beat me at everything, including Don’t Stop Movin’, which is MY song!

A_pod_on_the_eyeOn Sunday morning, we got up far too early (9.30am) and headed off to the London Eye. And – it is totally amazing. I thought anyway. I hadn’t been on it before, and it was really as good as I thought it was going to be. Even though I was knackered and hungover. After the Eye, we went off to Oxford Street again, and met Tara for lunch at All Bar One on Regent Street. It was all a bit of girly chat, but I didn’t care ‘cos I was just exhausted anyway !

Wiggy_woo_1So then, it was a quick trip back to the shops, trying on some wigs, and before we knew it, it was time for Maj to head back to Heathrow. Christine and I went to Northfields, to see where Tara is staying and then headed back to the flat via Pizza Express at Canary Wharf. And then all of a sudden I wasn’t tired anymore ! Still, had a pretty early night and was up and out the flat at 7.45am this morning to head to work……

You can see more of the weekend at Flickr – here.

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