Bon voyage John, Happy birthday Jill

John  s leaving 1

Two drinking occasions this week, which was rotten for me as I was full of the flu. Anyway, Friday night saw us bid farewell to our mate John Anthony. John is a bit of a nutter, but an all-round nice guy, so we will miss him around these parts. He is off around the world on an amazing trip. Kind of like Phileas Fogg, but he’s not doing it in 80 days or anything.

Anyway, there was a bit of a send-off for him at Morrison’s, unfortunately I didn’t make it down there until 11pm, as I was finishing off that week’s ATL TV. I felt I didn’t really get into the spirit of things either, because I was feeling so crap with swollen tonsils etc. But John seemed to have a good time anyway. So bon voyage buddy! And keep in touch or I will hunt you down. Let’s meet up in Tokyo?

Jill  s birthday sm 1

The other occasion this week was the birthday of Miss Jill Morgan! G and I had a quick meet with Jill on Sunday night to deliver her presents, which actually suited both of us quite well – I am still full of the flu and Jill was suffering from another ailment, which didn’t sound pleasant at all! I won’t say any more because she’s a lady.

Anyway, it wasn’t a full on night out by any means, but Jill liked her presents which was the main thing. I got her Every Day by Bill Granger as she’s a bit of a cook and I’ve made practically everything in it. I also got her a life poster – which is basically what she’s pictured with above. It’s a poster montage of lots of different pictures of her with different mates. It took me about eight hours to make, but she liked it so that’s what counts.

Happy Birthday Jugs!

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