Catching up with the Bungalow crew!

The gang

Well I was over in London last week for a course, which went pretty well actually. I think I learnt a lot from it, which will hopefully benefit me as I start learning the ropes involved with being a producer.

I also took some time out to go to Television Centre in London and catch up with everyone (nearly everyone) that I worked with on the Bungalow. They really are a great bunch of people – I feel I’ve made a lot of friends through working on the show, and it was brilliant seeing them all again – I just wish the night had lasted longer!

The only problem was that I started drinking about five o’clock and hadn’t eaten anything, so I got well and truly hammered very quickly. Maybe it’s just as well the night didn’t go on for longer actually. Apologies for anyone that had to listen to me talking rubbish, but it was brilliant seeing everyone again. It made me realise how much I miss working in London. There are more photos here.

P.S. Thank you Mr Hepworth for pointing out how boring my blog has been recently. I have tried to remedy that with some interesting posts today!

P.P.S. Some of the Bungalow team have been working on The Slammer, a new show which sounds like it’s going to be great. Check it out this Friday on CBBC ONE at 4.55!

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