Christine’s birthday dinner

Veronica  Christine and Jill 

I really haven’t been up to much this week, but last night a couple of us went out to celebrate my mate Christine’s birthday. We went to a new restaurant called Fat Buddha which is on the Lisburn Road in Belfast. In the pic above are Veronica (who I had not seen in AAAAAAGGGGES), Christine and Jill. G and I were there as well but we were sitting round the other side of the table so we’re not in the pic. And I can’t link to the restaurant’s site because they don’t have one.

The Fat Buddha is quite nice really – the decor is lovely, and there’s a good choice of things on the menu. I don’t think I appreciated the food properly though as I am still completely jet-lagged and waking up at weird times in the middle of the night which is doing my head in. Service was really good too, but it was a bit annoying that all the staff were standing with their coats on waiting for us to leave at the end of the night! 11.00 isn’t really that late for a restaurant to be open on a Tuesday is it?

So, it was quite a tame night as we all went home after leaving the restaurant – that makes a change though. Happy Birthday Bleakley!

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