‘Discovering’ new music


I have been out and about to various different Belfast venues in the last couple of weeks after coming out of a ‘non-going-out’ hibernation. Last weekend we started off in the Stiff Kitten before heading to the Limelight where John, Leah and I proceeded to get absolutely hammered and start moshing about in the crowd. Poor G could only stand and watch. The next day I awoke with not only a slight hangover, but with bruises down my arms and across my chest. The only good thing I would say is that if you are falling over when moshing, people very kindly rush to stop you falling over. Although for some reason they didn’t save Leah, who ended up on the ground at one point.

Afterwards our heavy rock experience I decided to throw a banana skin at John, but this ended up going awry when he threw me into a bus stop.

Drunk  apart from G

This weekend just past, we went from Kelly’s Cellars (which I really liked as it is very relaxed and friendly) via White’s (where I was raging we didn’t get in because it was full – I haven’t been there since January for God’s sake!) to the John Hewitt (boring, although they did have a buffet) to the Front Page. Apparently the Front Page was playing drum ‘n’ bass but I can’t remember.

I can remember my jacket disappearing at one point throughout the night which was extremely annoying. Not only was it Armani (ye thieving gypos!) but I had to walk home in my t-shirt. In the weather Belfast is experiencing at the moment, that is not really recommended.

I don’t really have a night out planned now until the all-staff Christmas party at the BBC, which will no doubt be ‘intriguing’.

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