Worky worky worky


OK, so I’m probably due an update about what I’ve been doing at work. I was working on this, but it is now due to come back next year bigger and better, and as something slightly different but kind of similar. So at the moment I’m working up the budget and things for that.

Apart from that, I produced an outside broadcast on the night of Children In Need which involved putting Brian Capron (the nasty guy from Coronation Street), Dana (She won Eurovision in like 1970 or something) and Jan Leeming (who was in the jungle last year) in a restaurant kitchen for the night and getting them to cook fifty three course meals. It was a bit stressful with working through all the ins and outs with Editorial Policy, but we got there in the end, and it was a pretty good night. Obviously drink was taken afterwards, but it was pretty tame seeing as security through us out of the green room at 4.15am (Boo to you!)

So, what’s next for me is that I am producing a new series of ATL TV – I’m quite looking forward to that as I have some ideas on how I can move it forward, but the budget is as always restricting my creative vision! If you have Facebook, you can become a fan of the show here and let me know what you wanna see in the new series.

I’ve also got the commission I talked about above which I’m developing, and on top of that, I just got handed a 60 minute programme to produce before Christmas which I’m not too delighted about to be honest, as I have plenty of other work to be doing.

The picture above is ATL Rock School which was filmed recently – it’s a kind of battle of the bands thing. I just went along to check out the new set and lend a hand. I ended up drinking until 5am the next morning with people in the Europa Bar, including Sandi Thom (one of the judges on the show) who I think I must have bored stupid as I spent most of the night talking to her.

That’s the work update done!

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