Thoughts on Season 4 of The X-Factor


I love The X-Factor – good, easy to watch, Saturday night entertainment. However up until last night I’d been pretty disappointed with this series – there was no-one I was really rooting for, only one person I definitely am not rooting for (his name begins with an ‘R’).

However last week, I thought two acts were brilliant.Firstly, and worryingly, I thought Same Difference were quite good. They sang one of my favourite songs, and I thought it was pretty good. However, I thought Hope were amazing – only Phoebe mind, but she’s got a great voice and I thought she sang Christina Aguilera’s Hurt with some real emotion. If Leon wins I’ll be annoyed – he’s a bit wishy washy, although he seems like a nice bloke, but I think the world needs another girl group! Hope are therefore my preference for the winners. There endeth my thoughts on this series of the show.

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