Filming all week, chillin this weekend

Well I’ve had a busy old week at work. I’m beginning to wake up in the middle of the night thinking of things I have to do, which is a sign of the old stress I think! Managed to shoot three films this week though, so I’m beginning to get ahead. Basically for the next five weeks I’ll be filming two days a week and editing three.

Last night I turned up at Heathrow to catch my flight to Belfast for the weekend. Only problem was that when I inserted my card into the BMI self check in machine, it didn’t have me down to be on a flight. A trip to check-in, then the ticket desk, and finally one of those e-mail payphone things finally revealed that I had booked a flight from Belfast – London instead of London-Belfast. I blame the BMI web site! What a loser though 🙁 Anyway, another trip to the ticket desk and £126 later, I was on the flight to Belfast. At least they didn’t charge me for the ticket change, only the difference in fare. Still – £126 needlessly after I’d been so careful with my money this month!

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