Glasgow’s smiles better

Buchanan Galleries choirPrinces Square choir
Our last day of our auditioning road trip saw us in Glasgow with lots of spare time, so we went round the shops. Amazingly, it wasn’t that busy – just a couple of days before Christmas as well!

I’ve gotta say I love Glasgow – all the shops you could possibly want are on one street (Buchanan Street), and there were choirs singing at both Buchanan Galleries (on the left above there) and Princes Square (above right). Rob and I sat in Starbucks in Princes Square listening to the choir singing songs from “Mary Poppins”. Not very Christmassy maybe, but nice!

We took a trip to Urban Outfitters, where they have a Carbon Music store. All this weird music was playing – really haunting mellow versions of known songs. It turned out it was a CD of this guy here playing an electric violin. I must admit I purchased it – it’s great music for chilling too I reckon.

The guy behind the counter said it has the worst cover ever of a CD (got to agree with that!) but it’s apparently one of their best sellers! Anyway, a nice day chilling in Glasgow really!

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