Hello again Hello

Well I haven’t posted for ages because a) I couldn’t be bothered and b) I haven’t been up to anything even remotely interesting ! I have been going through some kind of detox thing – I have been eating fruit every day, making my own packed lunch, I have given up one bad habit (hopefully) and I am off the booze for at least a month. Hence why I have not been up to anything interesting !

Work wise, I’ve finished the Fair Days of Summer documentaries – still no word on a transmission date for them, but they’ve been well received internally, which is always nice. Now I’m on to The John Daly Show – I start filming in Lisburn on Saturday and then we start recording the shows next week – four shows over two days, every week for a month. I think it will be quite hectic, but it’s pretty calm here at the moment !

On Monday I was over in London filming at a launch of a charity started by Gloria Hunniford after the death of her daughter Caron. It was in The Savoy (which has outside it, fact fans, the only street in the UK where you have to drive on the right).

It was a celeb packed affair – Cilla Black (who was looking a bit doddery), Cliff Richard (who looked about fourteen), Philip Schofield, Noel Edmonds, Sophie Ellis-Bextor (who I am now in love with), Fearn Cotton (TOTP host who I have always been in love with), and last but not least DICK AND DOM ! I was very excited about seeing them, although I resisted the temptation to shout “bogeys” as I didn’t think the situation was appropriate for that. Here’s some photos I took but they’re a bit rubbish because they were taken by my phone and I had to be discreet !


So it was quite a good night, although no drinking afterwards, just off to bed to watch The Sopranos. Another series which I am totally getting addicted to is NYPD Blue. At the moment, it’s only on here on RTE, but it’s brilliant. I quite fancy the blonde in it.

So, apart from that, haven’t been out or anything – went to see Wimbledon at the cinema the other Friday with Christine and G – I really wanted to see it because the lovely Kirsten Dunst is in it, but obviously I had to go with a woman so Christine was roped in. Thanks Christine ! Am also quite interested in seeing Bride and Prejudice – I think that looks quite good. Sucker for romantic movies !

OK, that’s all for now, and I will try to be more regular (with my postings that is !)

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