Hollister comes to the UK

The Westfield London shopping centre opened on Friday. It’s the largest urban shopping centre in Europe, and right across the road from Television Centre, so me and my mate Charlie Brown went to check it out on Friday afternoon (after work of course).

I am annoyed that after Abercrombie, Hollister is now opening shops in the UK. Boo! I buy a lot of clothes there when I am out in Dallas – mainly just t-shirts and polo shirts, but now everyone is going to be wearing them. There is a Hollister in Westfield. So although I was annoyed about them coming to the UK, I was thinking I might drop some cash there anyway. It was not to be however…

The Hollister store (above) was not open yet. So double suck time. It does look bigger than the ones in Dallas though. Hollister have also opened a UK commerce site, which uses some techy system to work out where you are ordering from, and prices accordingly (i.e. doubles US costs). It’s a bit annoying in two respects. First off, postage to the UK is expensive (20, although this includes duty and VAT fees), and secondly, I can’t order clothes now to be delivered to my parent’s house in Dallas that they can bring home. Anyway, it looks like I am now going to have to get my clothes in Ruehl when I’m in the US, as at least there aren’t any of them here yet.

As for Westfield London, I like it. It’s super enormous, but the best thing is that there are loads of shops there that are new to me, and that I hadn’t seen before. Like Cos. I can’t think of anymore right now, but there were some others. Charlie and I were there for two hours looking round, but it honestly felt like 20 minutes. I also managed for once to go into All Saints and not buy anything.

If you are in London, definitely go and check out Westfield London, it’s worth it just for the sheer scale of it. However, I did think people were going a bit over the top. There was an orchestra playing and a fashion show (see pic above) and everyone was just standing gawking at it. It’s a shopping centre people, that’s all!

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