Jill and I head to London

So on Friday there, Jill and I headed to London for G’s wedding! I had quite a packed day on Friday, meeting my Dad, going out to Television Centre and popping into see some mates, and also having lunch with my friend Christine.

After that it was back to the hotel to catch up on some sleep and then off to Soho for dinner with my two sisters – Ailse and Jill, her husband Tobey, and my mate Christine. That’s everyone in the pic above. We went to Zilli Bar, which was quite nice, although Jill had to complain about her food. But as a result, we got hers taken off the bill, a free bottle of wine, and free desserts! So that was good.

My family left after dinner so me Jill and Christine headed out on the town. We grabbed a rickshaw to The Sanderson, a very swanky and funky hotel. That’s the bar in the pic above. I really liked it (although it’s expensive – 50 for three glasses of champagne!) and could have happily spent the rest of the night there. It was full of people that thought they were good looking but were actually not, and were badly dressed to boot though. Apart from one totally gorgeous blonde girl sitting at the bar.

Next we went off to The Kingley Club in Soho – a private members’ bar which we blagged our way into. Many many cocktails later, we grabbed a cab back to the hotel which was hilarious. Jill managed to call the taxi driver every rude name under the sun but he did think it was amusing, so we didn’t get thrown out.

Off to bed completely pissed, and an early start the next day to get to G’s wedding in Watford!

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