Mamma Mia

I went to see Mamma Mia! last night. I’d been wanting to go and see it for a while. Not because I’m an ABBA fan, but just because I thought it looked like a feel-good, summery movie.

In reality, I thought it was the weirdest film I’ve ever seen. I kept getting embarassed when people in the movie started to sing. It felt really unnatural whenever they burst into song. And I can’t work out why! It’s not like it feels weird in the Sound of Music or anything. I dunno, after the first three songs I kind of got into it, but by the end it was all wearing a bit thin to be honest.

The main character, Sophie is quite hot, but that wasn’t enough to redeem it really. If you’re a bloke and you’re going to see it, I would have at least two beers before going in!

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