Nick & Kate’s wedding

Me Nick and Kate

My friends Nick & Kate got married recently (that’s why I was over in Glasgow). As you can see from the picture above they looked very smart – Nick in a black kilt – stylish for a change! I also splashed out on a new suit as the last time I was at a wedding my trousers kept falling down, which was very annoying.

Anyhoo, the wedding reception was at a posh / bar / club complex calledThe Corinthian, right in the middle of Glasgow. It was really, really nice. We had a room on the top floor (which was a struggle to be honest until we discovered the secret lift) and there was plenty of familiar faces from my recent trip to Islay for Nick’s stag do. It was nice as always to catch up with all my mates from Dundee as well, and for once I didn’t even go onto the dancefloor once! Not that I can remember anyway….

There were three highlights of the evening for me really – 1. seeing everyone, 2. the haggis balls from the buffet (I did actually go back for seconds, then thirds, but felt guilty the last time as there were hardly any left) and 3. the barmaids. Especially the one in the picture below. Hot or what?!!

Me and a foxy barmaid

So I think we stayed up until about 5.30am or something, I can’t really remember, but it was good fun anyway. And I can’t believe Nick & Kate are now married – I was there when they got it on! Well not literally obviously… way back in a Chinese nightclub in Vancouver (don’t ask).

More drunken photoshere….

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