Look out for me in a soap!

River City cake

I’ve written aboutRiver Citybefore – it’s a Scottish soap which I tune into and which my friend works on in Glasgow. I was over in Scotland again a couple of weeks ago for a wedding (see the seperate post) and took the opportunity to go and catch up with Maj.

She was working late, so I headed out to where River City is filmed, and ended up making an appearance in it! I’m just an extra mind…. but if you tune in to the Hogmany episode, I am walking across the street as the fireworks go off. Result! You probably won’t be able to see me though as it was pitch dark. I didn’t get any photos of the set this time, but I did get a River City 5th birthday cake from Maj which I still haven’t eaten!After that, we went back to Maj’s lovely new flat, and got drunk with an Indian (food that is, not a random person).

Unfortunately Maj had to leave at 5.30am the next morning to catch a flight home, and I couldn’t be bothered getting up. However this decision cost me dear in the end as I couldn’t get her door locked, and I had to call a locksmith who took two hours to turn up. 100 lighter and running late for the wedding, I was a bit stressed! While I was round Maj’s, I did see this though….

Fish & chip boat

It’s a fish and chip shop on a boat! On a canal! With a sail-through window so you can get fish and chips from your boat! I thought that was an excellent idea. We didn’t go in it though as apparently it can get a bit rough. Maybe with pirates and things.

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